The City of Duluth celebrates Daniel Durant Day

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Monday April 4th was proclaimed Daniel Durant Day in the city of Duluth to recognize the actor’s work in the Best Picture Oscar winning film CODA.

We’ve been following Daniel’s journey with CODA’s critical acclaim ever since the film had a Duluth premiere back in August.

And we’ve checked in with him right when the film was nominated for three Oscars. Now after the film swept at Hollywood’s biggest night, he’s back in his home city.

“So now being back here, I see that there’s more awareness about deaf culture than it was during my time growing up. So I’m thankful to the community for their support”, says Durant.

Friends, family members, and Daniel’s mentors all were present in the AMSOIL Arena to celebrate Daniel and his latest achievements as an actor. Stories of when he was young were told as Daniel met with his supporters and relished in his work as an actor.

Daniel started performing on stage in Duluth back in 1999 starring in A Nurse, A Child, and a Bear, a show his supporters love to remind him of. Now they will never forget when the role Leo Rossi from CODA landed Durant on the Oscars stage.

“I feel like this celebration is really touching for me. And I think it’s really celebrating the whole Duluth community as well’, says Daniel.