The Boxcar Thrift Store opens at Proctor High School

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It’s official! The Proctor High School Boxcar Thrift Store is now open to students. Supplying students with anything to meet their clothing needs.

The main thing to know about the Boxcar is that the items are completely free.

Store worker Laiken Ettestad says, "They just come in and look at the clothes and take some things that they might need. There’s stuff that you could take if you were going to do a job interview or if you just need clothes."

The project was a big task for the businesses students as they took charge and worked with Northland businesses outside of halls of Proctor.

"We had to send emails and talk to Maurice’s and get a bunch of donations and it’s just a really awesome thing that we are able to do,” says Laiken.

Proctor teacher Sarah Klyve was blown away with what they were able to accomplish. She says, "They’re posting out to community Facebook pages, they’re reaching out to a lot of local organizations just to be able to get the resources that we need to have the clothing and have the hygiene items available for all students. Which is an amazing skill, to be able to advocate and to be able to communicate well with outside organizations."

Students continued to come in to the store Tuesday to check it out and found pretty high quality items.

Laiken says, "You can find so many things from so many different years and decades, there’s newer things, and you can get it a lot cheaper than a store.

A unique shopping experience that’s helped these business students grow. Sarah Klyve saying, “So it’s like this whole idea where students are taking ownership of the space and wanting to contribute to it as well."