Substance abuse continues to become a growing problem every year

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Ron Wuorinen has dealt with substance abuse in his life and recently focused on becoming sober from his addictions.

"Drugs took over my life! It is a sad thing to say and say it out loud. It hurts because to have something so meaningless consumes your life. It is something like why! It is something that I am going to battle with for the rest of my life.”

Addiction does not matter who you are, what you do, or anything; it is something that people battle with.

Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge of the Northland Center Treatment director Becky Revier knows how that battle can effort someone.

"It takes over their lives! It starts to convince them that they cannot live without that substance. That substance is worth more than their children, their spouses, and their jobs sometimes. It completes take over their lives.”

When people want to get help from their addiction, a treatment center can work for some people. One of the biggest things is having people around them; that are willing to go through all the ups and downs of the recovery process.

"Having that support system is the biggest thing it is the biggest key to anybody’s sobriety,” said Wuorinen.

“I do not care who you are! You need to have people who can understand, who will listen, and who will talk the time to say you know what, if you’re struggling, talk to me about it. I do not have all the solutions, but hey, I got an ear!”

To learn more about addiction recovery treatment centers in the Northland, visit Superior Treatment Center and Mn Adult & Teen Challenge- Northland Center to name a few.