Stella Maris Academy holds open house for future Catholic High School

Stella Maris Academy held an open house Friday at the property that will become their new Catholic High School.

“We were able to bring people in and see what the building looks like now and what our renovation plans are for next fall,” said Academy President Andrew Hilliker.

The Academy purchased the former Hills Youth and Family Services facility as the new campus back in October, but the building as a history long before that. Hilliker said it was special having people come in with so many different connections to the building.

“We had such a variety of guests come through the building today and reminisce and share stories about what once was, but also what they’re looking forward to in the future and that’s precisely what our goal was,” he explained.

Major cleaning work throughout the building was done in the past few months and soon renovation work will begin.

Hilliker said he’s excited to for people to be able to compare what they say at the open house to what the finished campus will look like in the fall.

The campus is located in the Woodland neighborhood at 4321 Allendale Ave. in Duluth.