Sign up for TSA Precheck this week at DLH

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If you’d like to get through security a little faster the next time you fly, consider registering for TSA Precheck. And this week, you can sign up right at the Duluth International Airport.

From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with an hour-break from noon to 1:00 p.m., you can bring the necessary paperwork right to the airport and get registered.

"So you can go online, register for an appointment — or, we are accepting some walk-ins, but we are pretty full," says Natalie Peterson with DLH. "You can come and enroll, and then you can apply for your precheck application, so you have precheck to go through TSA — which really simplifies your screening process for travelers."

When you are registered for precheck, it eliminates some of the steps to get through security.

"You don’t have to take your shoes off, you don’t have to take out all the items in your bag. If you have light over-wear, such a sweatshirt, you don’t have to take that off, some of those types of things," says Peterson. "So it’s really just a convenience."

The cost is $85, but your precheck stays valid for five years.

Not having to empty your bag was a factor in motivating one Grand Rapids resident to make the drive to Duluth today to get herself registered.

"It’s just gonna make it easier for when I do fly," says Ali Glines, a frequest traveler. "I fly to Florida quite often, so I just figured it might cut the time of traveling and doing security and stuff."

Click here to make sure you are prepared with the necessary paperwork and identification.