Raising awareness about men’s health

It’s always important to have those conversations surrounding men’s health. November has been renamed "Movember", focusing on raising awareness about regular checkups.

One form of cancer that is commonly diagnosed in young adult men is testicular cancer. In an article published by cancer.net states, “this year, an estimated 9,470 men in the united states will be diagnosed with testicular cancer.” with early detection, testicular cancer is highly treatable and highly curable.

A member of the UMD’S hockey team talks more about the cause as it hits home for the team. Sophomore goaltender announced this week, that he was recently diagnosed.” A foundation for men’s health overall, both prostate and specifically male cancers, as well as men’s mental health. Especially in this sport, it’s something that is swept under the rug a little bit."

The UMD’s hockey team are raising money for “Movember”, their group name is “UMD Hockey MO-BROS”. If you would like to learn more about “Movember”, men’s health and more, click here http://us.movember.com/about/cause.