Protests against Biden come from both sides of political spectrum

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President Joe Biden’s visit to Superior on Wednesday attracted protesters from both sides of the political spectrum.

Opponents gathered along Belknap Street and Hammond Avenue to wave Donald Trump campaign flags and signs, some of which contained vulgar messages about Biden.

Other protesters from the National Wildlife Federation and Honor the Earth gathered at the Douglas County Courthouse to criticize Biden for not stopping the Line 5 pipeline rerouting project in northern Wisconsin.

"Obviously, the Build Back Better Act is is at play right now as part of that conversation, and we’re here to support that. But we’re also here to to talk about the…Line 5 pipeline and get that shut down because that is you know, a threat to clean water and it’s a threat to our climate," said Jeremy Gragert with the National Wildlife Foundation.

Republican Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents Superior in Congress, also criticized Biden on pipelines, but for the opposite reason: he thinks Biden doesn’t support them enough.

"January 20th of 2021, he shut down the Keystone [XL] Pipeline. And he’s been saying consistently that we’re not going to produce energy in America. And it’s put us in a weak spot. And we’re seeing rulers around the world, tyrants like Vladimir Putin, who are now taking advantage of America as a result of our weakness," Tiffany said.

"Let’s get back America back to energy independence because it affects us right here in the Twin Ports, because you come here, it all comes together in North America."

Tiffany also criticized Biden for his administration’s decision to cancel leases for the proposed Twin Metals copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota.

Meanwhile, Enbridge responded to the protests with a statement reiterating that the pipeline is being moved at the request of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and has targetted spending $46 million of the $450 million project for contracts with Native-owned businesses.

"Line 5 is a vital link to propane and other energy supplies for the upper Midwest. Agreement has been reached with 100% of landowners along the proposed re-route," Enbridge wrote.

The company said construction will move forward once all permits have been received.