Poor air quality affects the Northland, is it safe to go outside?

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Today, many people were caught off guard during the very hazy morning. And due to this poor air quality and haze, Northlanders are feeling the effects of it all.

Many people were finding it irritating or even difficult to breathe and yet still had to carry on with their day. But it is it safe to be outside when there’s poor air quality?

Dr. Amery Robinson says you should be extra careful if you have an underlying condition. “Like asthma or if you have COPD, if you are a small child, or if you’re an elderly person. Those are really the people who are the most at risk here. People who are otherwise healthy, there aren’t any really long term risks from this so you should just let your body guide you, let your body kind of help decide what you can or can’t do."

And the haze didn’t stop those enjoying their day at the South St. Louis County Fair. Many people were out and while some of the workers were feeling the effects. Isabella Dwindell says, “"It gets hard when you are running around and having fun with your friends and stuff. And then it gets a lot with the humidity… it’s a lot."

And as the situation continues Dr. Robinson says to listen to your body as we continue with even more air quality issues.

For more air quality information you can click the link here.