Plowy McPlowFace, move over: MnDOT wants new snowplow names

Plow Bunyan and Darth Blader, move over. MnDOT wants Minnesotans to submit new names for its snowplows.

It will be the agency’s second snowplow naming contest. Submissions are due by Dec. 15. People can offer up to three options that have fewer than 30 characters including letters and spaces.

Fifty finalists will move forward to the public voting round in January to choose the top eight.

Submit your ideas here.

One snowplow in each district gets a name. Last year’s winning names are out of the running. They are:

  • Plowy McPlowFace
  • Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya
  • Duck Duck Orange Truck (Northland district)
  • Plow Bunyan
  • Snowbi Wan Kenobi
  • F. Salt Fitzgerald
  • Darth Blader
  • The Truck Formerly Known as Plow