Minnesota, Wisconsin, follow declining COVID-19 trend

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As the weather starts to get a little colder and fall colors are continuing to brighten up, COVID-19 cases are starting to decline as well. That is a trend that everyone is looking at especially since we haven’t been able to report much good news lately about COVID case numbers.

However, tonight we can because cases across the United States are down fifty-seven percent since September first. This, while Minnesota and Wisconsin COVID numbers were surging in early October. But now, we appear to be on the same downward trend as national numbers.

For the seventh day in a row our COVID cases are on the decline. I got a chance to talk to Dr. Peter Henry…the Chief Medical Officer at Essentia Health about the trend, and he put a little reality into this positive news. Here’s what he had to say…”Even though we have seen about a fifty percent decrease in COVID cases across the United States in the last several weeks, we continue to have fifteen hundred people die each and every over the last two weeks from COVID-19. We lose fifteen hundred in two days, umm every day or three thousand every two days to COVID-19. We’re still dealing with this illness, it’s still serious and the key things to help us get through this, to get back to our normal lives, umm our social gathering, our holiday celebrations is to make it safe and vaccinated. “

So, in all it’s a good trend, but some sobering words from Dr. Henry that there’s still a lot of work to do. If we all do our part and encourage others through knowledgeable education, the trend will hopefully continue to decline in a positive way. We all want this virus to go away but it’s going to take some time and higher vaccination trends throughout the United States.