Members wanted for the library’s Teen Advisory Board

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Are you a teenager who loves the library? Or do you have other hobbies? Well, the Duluth Public Library is looking for input on how to make the branches fun and exciting for every teen.

"A Teen Advisory Board is a group of teens that meet here at the library monthly, and provide us with input about the library, about our programs, about materials that we might want to purchase, and just really give us input into what we can do to make it a more engaging place for teenagers."

Heidi Harrison is the Senior Library Technician with the Duluth Public Library, and she’s hoping for a group of engaged teens to join the board, and feel like they have a sense of ownership about what goes on at the library.

"I think ownership in the library is really important, especially when you’re a teenager," says Harrison. "You really want to know that your ideas are there, and that you can make an impact on the world. So if we can do that for them here at the library, and provide them with a free and safe place for them to come and be, then I think we will really accomplish what we want here."

The library has had other programs for teens in the past few years, but put them on pause during the pandemic. But Harrison says this is their chance to give those programs some new flavor.

"This is our opportunity to kind of redo things, and take this opportunity to find out what they really want the library to be for them."

The Teen Advisory Board will be meeting monthly. The library hosted an open house tonight for teens to check it all out, and will be hosting another one on October 21st from 5:30-6:30pm. The Duluth Public Library also has the details of the Teen Advisory Board listed on their website.