Local Duluth Printers host an open house in the Lincoln Park craft district

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The duo from the print shop Warrior Printress, Janelle Turner-Miller and Stacie Renne, celebrated their print shop’s one year anniversary in Lincoln Park.

The two have spent the last twelve years making art using a printing press. However, because of the pandemic, they were on a desperate search for studio space. That is, until Duluth pottery and tile took them in and offered them a home!

Now they work out of the building in the Lincoln Park craft district with Duluth Pottery and Tile and are spreading a message of hope after their year spent in the craft district.

Last weekend, we brought you inside the Duluth Public Library, and showed you their exhibit the twin ports celebrated the start of pride month. They’ve been a force in Duluth artistry for years and now are hoping to get more exposure from the public.

Janelle Turner-Miller says that the open house, “it’s very different from the computer era that we live in, and so we would love to open that up to more opportunities to teach classes let people come in try things out. Let people experience what we experience every day."

To see more of their designs you can check out their website here.