Lake Superior College students receive scholarships

Tuesday, was a great day for five lucky students at Lake Superior College. Each one of these students were presented with "The Gene Haas Scholarship" for the spring semester 2022.

The funding from Gene Haas Foundation and the Lake Superior College Foundation is focused on helping to recruit and retain manufacturing talent in the region. The Lake Superior College Foundation has given out scholarships before, but this was the first time that the recipients were all machine tech students.

Vice President of Advancement and External Relations at Lake Superior College, Daniel Fanning said, “We know there are workforce needs in manufacturing right now and will be for years to come, especially in CNC machining. These scholarships are awarded to students who show promise and determination to be successful in the manufacturing career track.”

One recipient of the scholarship was excited and now has some financial weight lifted off his shoulders.

"It really means a lot to me! It’ll help me pay for this final semester of school. I’ve been working hard, going in between work and school and it’s really going to help me out" says Kyler Waters.

These manufacturing scholarships mark the beginning of the scholarship season at Lake Superior College. There will be more than $100,000 in scholarships being awarded within the next month for the spring semester 2022. For more information on their scholarships can be found at