Inside a paranormal investigation, are ghosts real?

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Up in Buhl Minnesota a popular paranormal hotspot is getting a lot of attention. The Lakeview Cemetery has been the place to go for paranormal investigators.

Northland Paranormal founder Dan Amitrano says, “This has been a popular hot spot for paranormal groups all over the country and especially locally."

There’s been reports of many phenomenon including sounds, mist, voices, footsteps, and reports of apparitional figures.

Northland Paranormal is on a mission to find one apparition in particular. Dan says, "We are going to try to capture any evidence concerning a man that had lived around the 1920’s. People have referred to him as the gatekeeper. He was described as wearing a touring cap with a light colored shirt, dark pants, and he has been known to roam the areas of the tombstones.”

The team was ready to investigate three different hotspots in the Lakeview Cemetery including the Potter Field, Christian Calvary, and the main gate.

While doing their investigation they noticed that something had been knocked over near a headstone. They tidied it up in respect for the dead.

"This could just maybe be from the weather, but as we know a lot of the cemeteries we come across do get vandalized and… when we see a headstone like this or anything like that we want to make sure we always prop it up you know. Just to show respect for whoever was buried here”, says Dan

During the investigation, the team had balanced a device on a cross for spirits to use to communicate with. It’s a touch oriented device and in the middle of a question the device fell off the cross and made noise.

Even though it didn’t feel like major evidence the team later connected it to evidence that the team had gotten in the past. Where they say the gatekeeper was making contact. After directly asking the spirit to use the device to make contact the device was pushed… just like ours in Potter Field.

Even though there was no crucial evidence to prove spirits exist. Northland Paranormal says that they still feel good that the history of places like this are being told.

“The main thing that I want to highlight about this that it brings life to these places you’ve never heard of in Minnesota”, says Dan.