Gunflint Trail residents in "pre-evacuation" status due to John Ek Fire

Some Gunflint Trail residents are in "pre-evacuation" status due to the John Ek Fire.

That fire nearly doubled in size Monday, from 800 acres to 1,500 acres. It is burning 2.5 miles south of Little Saganaga Lake, extending from John Ek Lake to the southeast corner of Elton Lake.

The Cook County Sheriff is recommending residents from Seagull Lake at the top of the Gunflint Trail to the south end of Loon Lake be in "ready" mode.

People should gather medications, important documents, valuables, and pets. Sprinkler systems should be turned on if homes have them.

Sheriff’s deputies will go door-to-door if an evacuation is ordered. Firefighters ask that if people decide to leave now, they first stop by the Grand Marais YMCA to let officials know their address and that they are leaving.

The John Ek Fire was started by lightning. Sixteen people are working on the fire, although no firefighting crews have been sent in directly due to difficult access and safety concerns.

More incident information can be found here.