Great Lakes Aquarium unveils H2O: Watersheds at Work

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Great Lakes Aquarium unveiled its newest exhibit, H2O: Watersheds at Work, Thursday afternoon.

“This has been a difficult time and a difficult path,” said Great Lakes Aquarium Executive Director Jay Walker. “This exhibit was to have opened last year and obviously due to the pandemic that put a little bit of a wait on us getting this display open. So, [opening it now] is just that much more special.”

The exhibit is described as “a transformation of our main gallery, telling the story of water and its role in our communities and ecosystems. It features a new and improved Great Lakes water table, a flagship Great Lakes Aquarium experience.”

The $440,000 exhibit spans more than 2,000 square feet on the Aquarium’s main floor. The state of Minnesota awarded the Aquarium a $150,000 Legacy Amendment grant for its development. Nearly $99,000 was awarded by the Minnesota Lake Superior Coastal Program. Private donations, grants and internal operating funds rounded out the project.

Matthew Baumgartner, the President of the Duluth Chamber of Commerce was present for the ribbon cutting and spoke to the importance of the aquarium to the community.

“The impact to Duluth and our region of the great lakes aquarium is profound and it comes in many forms,” said Baumgartner. “It showcases our greatest asset; the greatest of the great lakes. It educates residents, tourists, and our children.

The exhibit will become open to the public starting Saturday, November 20.