Graduating during the difficult pandemic; St. Scholastica graduates did it!

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College is difficult on its own, but college during the pandemic is even more stressful. However the students at St. Scholastica who graduated this year have pushed through and now have their degrees.

Many students took part in the non-traditional ceremony today each one excited to have made it this far. Nontraditional graduate Jennifer Keuten says, "You know we are pretty resilient. I think that’s the thing that I’ve learned the most is that resilience it’s a real thing."

Graduates had to deal with canceled classes, online classes, limited in person and group activities which made learning difficult. Keuten says, "It was different. We weren’t getting that hands on per say, you know that face to face stuff."

Andrew Armon, another graduate, agrees saying, “It was difficult. Yeah it was a huge adjustment but I really focused on creating a space for myself to study and get my work done."

For students the experience without the constant exposure to other students made them feel isolated. Andrew says, "I mean it’s a lot harder to get help when you need help. And you know there’s the time before and after class when you can ask questions and that’s kind of gone when you are online."

But professors made sure to go the extra mile to give help when needed. Jennifer says, “We had a really strong cohort and you know the instructors are amazing and so supportive. You know I wouldn’t be here without them."

And for Jennifer, her accomplishment goes way beyond graduating during the pandemic. She says, "I think the fact that I accomplished this and I’m a first generation you now bachelor student in my family, so that to me was humongous in itself.”

She also added her support to those you are unsure of secondary education saying “It’s just fantastic! I would strongly encourage people that think like, ‘oh I can’t do this or I don’t have time for this thing’, that it’s really is so worth it. And utilize all your resources and lean on your supports."

Face to face with all the hardships that came their way, the grads are ecstatic to have made this far. "I feel really good to have completed it especially given the challenges”, says Andrew.

“It’s been a long time coming and my goal was to be done by the time I was 50 and I made it so I am super excited”, says Jennifer.