Governor: Now is ‘risky time’ to travel to Hawaii

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Hawaii Gov, David Ige says now is a ‘risky time" to travel to the islands because COVID-19 has pushed hospitals to capacity and Honolulu officials are restricting large events and restaurant capacity.

"We need to take action now in order to reduce the spread of COVID and ensure that our hospitals are not overrun," he said.

He said travel to Hawaii should be limited to essential business only until case numbers are reduced.

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi says he will restrict indoor gatherings to 10 people and outdoor gatherings to 25 to control COVID-19 as the highly contagious delta variant spreads in the community.

Blangiardi says the rules would affect weddings and other events and take effect on Wednesday.

Multiple Oahu hospitals have filled their regular beds as COVID-19 cases pour into emergency rooms.

The city set up a 25-cot tent outside The Queen’s Medical Center – West Oahu on Friday to help handle the influx.