Free at-home COVID-19 testing kit for all Minnesotans

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Minnesotans will now have access to a free at-home COVID-19 testing kit starting Saturday, January 15th through your insurance.

There are millions more at-home rapid tests this year than there were this time last year, although they are still hard to come by due to shipping and supply chain issues.

“Insurance companies under the Biden Administration plan are required to cover eight tests a month,” explained Senator Tina Smith. “For a family of four, that’s thirty-two tests that you can have in a month; and you won’t have to pay any out-of-pocket cost.”

If you go to an out-of-network provider and get a COVID test from pharmacy or somewhere that your insurance doesn’t cover, then you might face a cost of no more than $12 a test.

Millions of test kits will be hitting store shelves starting Saturday, January 15th.

Medicare and Medicaid insured individuals can get an at-home COVID-19 test. To find out how visit the center for Medicare and Medicaid Services website.