First Ever ‘Lake Superior Stormwater Chalk Fest’ in Duluth

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The City of Duluth has found a new way to draw attention to how people impact the environment.

For the first time ever, there will be a “Lake Superior Stormwater Chalk Fest” to illustrate the importance of protecting local waterways. From September 26th to October 2nd, participants can use chalk to draw something or write a phrase that they believe represents their relationship to local streams and Lake Superior.

“The goal is really to have people think about how water affects their life and what their impacts are to keeping our waterways clean,” said Public Information Officer Kate Van Daele. “It’s really looking at our actions as a community, how it affects the different creeks and streams and waterways that eventually flow into Lake Superior.”

The city was inspired to start the Lake Superior Stormwater Chalk Fest after seeing similar activities done in other places.

“We’re really excited to see the creativity levels all the way from adults and maybe college students to people that are working in different organizations,” Van Daele said. “All the way down to pre-school, to see what four and five year olds think of their waterways, how it’s important to them.”

To participate and have high pigment chalk delivered to you, fill out this form by September 22nd.