Finalizing Superior’s 20 year Comprehensive Plan

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The City of Superior is just about ready to adopt their 20 year Comprehensive Plan, but they’d like some public opinion first.

The plan sets a vision for the City for the next two decades, and defines goals and action steps to guide development decisions.

"This is actually the community’s plan, explained Jason Serck, Superior’s Planning, Economic Development & Port Director. "This is where things start, and it gives validation for City Councilors as they are making decisions."

There are nine elements included in this planning process: housing; economic development; land use; transportation; utilities and community facilities; intergovernmental cooperation; agricultural, natural, and cultural resources; coastal resources; and hazard mitigation.

Serck says public comment is important to provide the City with "validation with either moving forward with a plan or a project or a policy, and looking back on this and the community said, ‘yeah this is a priority for us,’ yes we move it forward."

The City hosted an Open House Wednesday night at the Superior Government Center, giving the community a chance to ask questions to provide their own comments about the plan. For those who are unable to attend the open house, there is also a survey available on the project website to gather input.

The Superior City Council and Planning Commission will be reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and public comment over the next two months.