Employment opportunities in Duluth’s hospitality industry

Tourism is among some of the top industries in Duluth along with hospitality. Soar Career Solutions has a program that focuses on bring more opportunities to an established industry.

Career Connect is a program designed to prepare teenagers and adults 16-24 for employment opportunities in the hospitality. Soar Career Solutions, in partnership with Duluth CareerForce, Lifehouse, Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn and Suites, Hampton Inn, Edgewater Hotel and The Inn on Lake Superior are offering job training, work experience, and employment opportunities.

Through Career Connect, it helps to provide these young adults with the learning skills to help address an internal and external barriers they may be battling with.

"We want to make sure when you’re going into work that you’re not worrying about where you’re going to sleep or how you’re feeling or health issues. We want to make sure holistically your able to do as well as you can, so that’s why we try to focus on all of those areas and build that good foundation in order for you to focus all the rest of your energy and goals into your career,” says Emma Collier, career specialist at Soar Career Solutions.

Participants will learn about hospitality employer needs, explore different career pathways within the hospitality industry, and find the "best fit" job before accessing permanent employment.

The training is geared towards individuals who are 16-24 years old who reside in St. Louis County and qualify through an income based assessment. For more information contact Emma Collier, Career Specialist, at (218) 722-3126 ext. 2414 or by email at ecollier@soarcareers.org for more information and to learn more on how to get started.