Duluth’s 21st Polar Plunge raises thousands for Special Olympics

The 21st annual Polar Plunge Frozen 5k took off at Park Point Saturday afternoon.

A part of the Special Olympics fundraiser, 550 people were registered to jump in Lake Superior this year, including local law enforcement who play a big role in the annual event.

"Law enforcement officers across the state are the number one fundraiser in the organization for Special Olympics," said Ryan Temple, plunge organizer and investigator for the Duluth Police Department. "We love coming out here. We interact with them to raise money for the families, for the athletes, so they don’t have to pay for the sporting events, the travel, equipment costs. It’s just a great way for law enforcement officers to give back to our community."

So far, they have raised around $135,000 for Special Olympics this year. Over the past 20 years, the cause has raised over $2-million dollars.