Duluthians rejoice after five days since Superior Street construction ended

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It’s been about a week and Duluthians are over the moon that the construction on Superior Street is finally over and all the benefits that brings.

"Oh I’m so excited it’s going to save me so much time”, says Brianna Hall-Nelson who uses the street to get to her rehearsals and performances. Another thing she is looking forward to is the excess traffic that was caused by the construction, to go back to how it was. She says, “4th Street is going to go back down to its normal traffic pattern again, it won’t be as crazy.”

With a lot of people’s routes detoured due to the construction, now that it’s gone they feel excited to get back to normal. Tom Henry says, “It’s a main road going downtown so getting around, getting to sir bens, getting downtown to the theatre area is much more easy. Much more convenient."

And for those who like to shop and explore the recently reconnected road offers more exposure to businesses. Duluth resident Titus Juntunen says, “"There’s quite a few shops and different restaurants and stuff in downtown that people didn’t want to park away, take all their time to walk through. Like walk through construction."

And now locals are recounting their construction traffic fails. Tom Henry laughs and says, “"There was just one point where I was just like a couple blocks up that way. Like in an alley behind Essentia thinking I was going the right way. And there was just a bunch of security guards just looking at me like who is this kid. So yeah definitely nice to have the street back.”