Duluth to continue removing Emerald Ash Borer

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The City of Duluth will be expanding the timeframe of removing infected ash trees in their fight to stop the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) beetle. Previously, the City has removed ash trees in the spring and late fall after flight season has ended.

On Wednesday, city officials said they will continue the removal process during flight season which occurs from May 1 – September 30.

“Due to COVID-19, we weren’t able to remove ash trees last spring as we had in the past,” City Forrester Clark Christensen
said in a press release. “The City will be playing catch-up this summer by removing trees street trees during the flight season, which we have not done before.”

Crews are concentrating on removing infested ash trees within areas of the city. They will be removing identified trees
along the streets and trees in undeveloped areas adjacent to roads.

Crews will start removing trees during the week of July 12.

Homeowners with infested trees on their property will receive an information mailer from the City.

“Emerald Ash Boer is pretty well distributed within Duluth like other cities in our area,” Christensen said. “Adding two additional seasons to remove infested trees will help us to stop the spread of EAB while continuing the work of the City’s EAB Management Plan.”

When removing infected trees in undeveloped areas, City crews will chip as much of the trees back onto the property as
possible to not move the wood. Street trees would be transported back to the City’s woodpile and be kept until the fall when the adult EABs have flown and can be chipped at that time. Woodchips are used for landscaping at City parks.

Residents and visitors are reminded not to transport firewood within Duluth and the southern part of St. Louis County.

For more information on the Emerald Ash Borer and the City’s response to removing EAB from our area please visit