Duluth Public Schools requiring staff mask up again

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Starting Monday, staff in Duluth school buildings will again be required to mask up.

The district said the mask requirement is for staff only, although students are "strongly urged" to wear masks in school.

"We were hopefuly we would not have to go back to masking this school year and this decision was not made lightly, but this is what’s best for our school community," Superintendent John Magas said.

ISD 709 leadership also request that when parents and community members attend events at Duluth schools, they consider covering their faces.

Masks are not required outdoors.

Duluth Public Schools reported an increase in COVID-19 cases over the past two weeks.

"In the Duluth area alone, the number of COVID-19 cases per 10,000 has nearly doubled from last week going from 45.77 to 80.22 per 10,000," a press release from the district said.

Magas said he hopes this will help ensure that all end-of-year events can continue and seniors can graduate mask-free.