Duluth Police joining in Torch Run for Special Olympics MN
For another year, the Duluth Police Department is joining in the statewide effort to raise money for Special Olumpics Minnesota.
The annual Torch Run to raise awareness and funds will be on Wednesday, June 22. DPD officers will be alongside other law enforcement personnel from across Minnesota, and relay the ‘Flame of Hope’.
DPD will be passing the torch at 12:00pm at Priley Circle at City Hall. Everyone is invited to come to support the runners and bikers honored with the title, the ‘Guardians of the Flame.’
There are over 97,000 law enforcement members that carry the ‘Flame of Hope’ annually. The flame symbolizes courage and celebration of diversity uniting communities around the globe.
The annual Torch Run goes back a few decades now, with the first run hosted in 1981. The run now includes many fundraising platforms, including: Plane Pulls, Polar Plunges, Tip-A-Cops, and more. Since the beginning, the Torch RUn has raised over $600 million for Special Olympics programs.