Duluth photographer showcased at State Fair

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One Duluth hobbyist-photographer’s photo can currently be found hanging at Fine Arts Building at the State Fair.

Chris Lee works for the City of Duluth as a Planner II in the Planning and Economic Development Department by day, and doubles as a photographer in his off time. Chris submitted a picture and out of 913 submissions, and was selected as one of 110 pictures to be displayed in the Fine Arts Building during the Fair.

He and his wife visited the Fair this past weekend and found the picture- see attached photo.

“I took this photo while canoeing with my wife July 2020 at her family cabin near Nevis, Minnesota. It was not staged, planned, or thought out prior to taking the photo – I even shot it with an iPhone! I love to capture moments for Instagram and thought the scenery would speak for itself – plus (the picture) is very Minnesotan!” he said.

He decided to enter the State Fair Fine Arts competition on a whim after getting some positive comments from friends and a few likes on his social media pages.

“I was beyond excited to see that I was selected for display at the fair out of 900+ submissions. While I did not take home any awards, it was an honor to have my photo hanging in a gallery with other extremely talented artists – even some fellow Duluthians.”

If you are headed to the Fair this weekend, check out the Fine Arts Building and look for Chris’s photo. The State Fair runs through Monday.