Drivers race off in Proctor’s Halvor Lines Speedway season opener

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After postponing last weekend’s scheduled season opener for poor track conditions, Proctor’s Halvor Lines Speedway was finally able to welcome drivers back to the dirt track on Sunday.

At 5pm the engines revved and cars raced off into the 2022 season.

"It’s good to be back," said Jody Bellefuille, a driver for 19 years. "We’ve had a couple late starts with the spring we’ve had, but finally getting at it. Even though you might have lower car counts everybody’s got good equipment nowadays so it’s still going to be tough no matter who’s here."

New Halvor Lines track president Duane Caywood underwent hip surgery just two weeks ago but wasn’t going to miss day one, especially after a tough couple years.

"The year they shut down here, that hurt this track really financially because bills don’t stop," Caywood explained. "But they got through last year and we’re still coming out of that but we’re doing okay."

Drivers came from across the Midwest Sunday as many tracks, including ABC Raceway in Ashland and Gondik Law Speedway in Superior, have yet to open. Gondik Law is set to open Thursday and ABC on Saturday.

Action at Halvor Lines runs through September. For opening night results, click here.