Diffusing the anger from political differences

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Political arguments and diviseness has been extreme the last few years and it’s affected a number of relationships.

Most people have felt the tension in a conversation or two regarding the topic and seen it on social media. Experts say the increase in anger could be affecting more than just relationships.

A consistent increase in anger and frustration can go so far as to affect a person’s health.

"This makes our heart pump faster, blood flow increase, muscles tense up," said Family and Marriage therapist, Shelley Houston."This can lead to heart attacks, stroke, a compromised immune system, difficulty sleeping, depression. anxiety. It can shorten your lifespan."

Houston says that part of the reason people are so quick to anger is because as a society, we are out of practice with communication.

"Some of the old basics of not calling names, what we learned in kindergarten, has kind of gone by the wayside. And people from both sides have found names to call each other that are really not acceptable."

When it comes to diffusing anger or frustration, Houston says to keep in mind the acronym THINK.

Is it True.

Is it Helpful.

Is it Inspiring.

Is it Necessary.

Is it Kind.

When discussing differences, think about starting an open conversation before making a quick comment on social media.

"Being able to share your view with somebody, not by commenting on their social media, but picking up the phone and saying ‘that’s really interesting lets talk about that.’"