Daniel Durant, excited after a Best Picture nomination for the film CODA

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The Oscar buzz is still buzzing for actor Daniel Durant, the actor apart of the now Oscar nominated film CODA.

Daniel found out about the nominations last week. CODA is nominated for Best Adapted Screen Play, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Picture.

Daniel plays the brother of a mostly deaf family in the movie which is now making history over on Apple TV+.

He says, “I was there very much on pins and needles, and my mom was kind of interpreting because the captions weren’t keeping up. So when she started to say C and kind of started to spell CODA, I just was thrilled. I kind of left the Earth."

You can find the full interview with Daniel here:

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It’s Celebration and recognition for the mostly deaf cast that has become extremely close over the course of filming.

Durant saying, "Oh yes. We are very connected. I’ve been in all different kinds of shows before and plays and different, -but CODA was really a unique experience for me."

A family that was brought together in film but Daniel’s roots will always be in Duluth. Daniel is originally from the Duluth area, even performing at The Depot.

Daniel says, "The community of Duluth has been so supportive for me. Every time I’ve had a new role. I’ve got a lot of support from people here in Duluth, so I am really proud to be from here."

One of Daniel’s co-stars, Marlee Matlin has already won an Oscar doe best Actress back in 1987. So we asked Daniel if there was any inkling that the film would garner this much attention from the Oscars.

"Well, yeah, there was an inkling, but you never know”, says Durant, “You know, you just kind of hope because there’s so many good films out there. It’s very competitive to be nominated for that, to be able to be part of those other films, too. I had an inkling and I hope there, but for it to actually happen and to be nominated, that is just incredibly thrilling."

The nomination having ties to Duluth but most importantly it puts the spotlight on the deaf. Hollywood now offering more roles to deaf actors.

Daniel says, “I think CODA was part of kind of that seismic shift that allowed for that to happen. So to be nominated at an Oscars, I think that that would even have a bigger impact going forward.”