Dangerous flooding in Fredenburg Township

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In Fredenburg Township, the Cloquet River is flooding to dangerous levels.

Anna and Garret Niska live about a quarter mile away from the river.

Anna told WDIO, “We realized the water was really deep. So I told Garret I wanted to bring the Kayak out there. My niece came over and we hopped in the Kayaks.”

Niska’s found the water was as deep as six feet in some places.

They were able to Kayak all the way from their home to the river. The water completely covering what once had been ATV trails.

Their biggest concern is water cutting off access to the road and water reaching the house.

“I know a few people are downstream by Hunter Lake that have water in their basements right about now. We’re lucky enough that that’s not happening to us,” said Garret.

However, if water comes up any higher. It may be cause for concern.