COVID testing scarce after Christmas

With the rush to get COVID tested before Christmas, testing grounds after the weekend are set to be busy once again.
But for those who were feeling COVID symptoms the day after Christmas testing might have to wait until the 27th.

For Minnesota big community testing sites aren’t open until Monday. The DECC is closed for the 26th but is sure to be filled with folks testing for COVID on the 27th. And smaller venues for testing like CVS or Walgreens either had their appointments full or closed for the holidays as well.

Another way to test is with COVID home tests. A lot of folks in the Northland invested in these types of kits such as BinaxNOW where results come in just 15 minutes. However you might have to drive and make a trip to get yours.

The rush to test before the holidays has made them scarce. In Duluth there seem to be none available at any pharmacy. One Walgreens worker in Ashland told us, “we got like 800 in and we are almost out of them."

With the Omicron variant infecting vaccinated people the nerves of testing positive are running high, bringing back the desire to get tested for COVID-19 more often.