Coast Guard ship Alder sees a change of command

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A wave of change is rushing through the Lake Superior Coast Guard as Lieutenant Commander Justin Erdman is now officially retired. Erdman has served for 28 years and is a leaving a lasting legacy and the crew behind.

A ceremony was put on this morning in honor of Lieutenant Commander Erdman, who inspired countless other Coast Guard Members. "Justin inspired confidence and dedication through actions,” says Rear Admiral Michael Johnston.

Erdman says the thing he will miss the most about the coast guard is the comradery and the friendships he’s made along the way. “The people that impacted your life for the past three years, you’re going to miss all of them. And that’s the hardest part is just missing of them. And trying to stay connected and keep that going.”

Justin Erdman was relieved by Lieutenant Commander Joel Wright who served on the Polar Star. A ship with an icy reputation just like the Lake Superior Ice Cutter Alder. And with that experience he expressed his excitement. "Extremely excited to be here. This is a prestigious command with a long history of commanding officers that have done well for the Great Lakes."

As what’s next for Erdman after being relieved… “[I’m] not sure. With all the choices. Take a few days off just relax and enjoy the nothing.”