City of Duluth to hold public meeting on upcoming Raleigh St. reconstruction

The City of Duluth is looking for the public’s feedback for the upcoming Raleigh Street reconstruction project through a public meeting.

The meeting will show the current project concept and is taking place Thursday on July 7, 2022 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at City Center West.

The design and engineering of the project will take place in 2022, with construction scheduled for 2023. Money for the project will come from the Municipal State Aid for Streets and Water Utility funds.

Work on the project includes full reconstruction of the street, sidewalks, and utilities from Grand Avenue/Hwy 23 to 59th Avenue West, replacement and installation of a new water main and replacement and installation of new storm water infrastructure, among other things.

Participants will have an opportunity to share their input about the corridor and the meeting will end with a question and answer session.

Two other meetings will be held about this project but those dates have not been released yet.