City of Duluth reverting back to virtual public meetings

The City of Duluth announced in a news release on Monday that it will be reverting back to virtual public meetings beginning on Thursday.

City Council and Boards and Commissions meetings will again be held online.

“Out of concern for the substantial risk status of community transmission in St. Louis County, I want to keep City Council meetings virtual through the end of August,” City Council President Van Nett said in the release. “I just want to make sure people understand that we are watching county health data and will go back in person when it is safe to do so,” she added.

Members of the public will again be able to monitor meetings and provide public comment by clicking here.

The City of Duluth had decided to change from virtual to in-person meetings beginning August 1.

Several meetings that were scheduled to meet since August 2 did meet in person, but will return to virtual effective August 12.