Chester Bowl receives $30,000 during its first race of the season

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Sunday was the start of Chester Bowl’s 2022 ski/snowboard race season. And tons of youth skiers and snowboarders came for the fun.

"Although in all reality we don’t really care how fast kids go, we just want them to get an introduction to the sports of ski and snowboarding”, says Executive Director Dave Schaeffer.

And before the kick off to the races, the organization received a gift of $30,000 dollars from Orthopedic Associates.

Schafer says, “And it’s that kind of community support that lets us achieve our goals and dreams to make sure this place lasts forever to teach kids how to ski and snowboard."

And with Chester Bowl’s family reputation, the donation will go to things to make sure the sport is around for future generations. As parents are still getting their kids involved today.

Dave Schaeffer says, "I love seeing not just the kids’ faces as they fly down the hill but the pride in the parents as their kid gets better at the sport."