Blue Santa event brings joy to both cops and kids

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The boys and girls in blue were transformed into Blue Santas Tuesday night.

It was the annual opportunity for Duluth kids to shop with a cop.

"They get paired up with an officer here, the officer helps them keep tally of what they’re spending," DPD West Community Officer James Forsyth said. "It really makes the year for the kids."

Donations made it possible to give 36 kids $100 Target gift cards. Forsyth said the Irving Community Club came through with a big donation in 2021.

Nine-year-old Iceis Thatcher quickly filled her shopping cart.

"I got this projector, two pillows, some Twix candy bars and then I got this glowing crystal with a blanket," she said. "And I got a shirt with the sleeves with smiley faces on it."

She described her experience shopping with a cop as "amazing."

Forsyth said after another tough year for law enforcement and all of us, it was a gift just to put the event on.

"We get to benefit a little bit from being able to really make a kid’s year special," he said. "So it works both ways. It’s a very good morale booster for the officers involved here to come here and help with this program."

The giving will continue with 20 families receiving $200 SuperOne gift cards too.