Black Friday goers return to shopping in person

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Parking lots were filled with cars and stores were full of shoppers this Black Friday – many of whom were excited to be back browsing in person.

While the day can be stressful for some, the shopping holiday is exciting for local shops like Thrifters and Dannie Duluth.

"It’s always fun, everyone’s in a good mood, everyone gets a good deal and we make a lot of money! So it’s a win-win," said Dannie Langguth, owner of Dannie Duluth on east 4th street. "We have four people working today just because we anticipated we’d be very busy and we have been slammed."

Supply chain issues and low staffing have provided new obstacles for many stores this year, but for some shoppers, the day after Thanksgiving is about more than getting a good deal.

Shopper Robin Johnson said, "I have really appreciated just getting into the Christmas season – that’s what I really like about it."

Langguth says that is why people come out every year: they know they are going to get the best selection with great prices.

"People can go out with four or five bags each, it’s incredible. As long as we’re generating sales we’re happy for sure."

This is the store’s 22nd Black Friday, and workers say they are already looking forward to next year.

Businesses saw so much success last year with extending sales, both online and in-person, those who missed out on Friday shopping likely have more opportunites to get well priced gifts before the holidays.

However, the lack of stock due to supply chain has been causing inventory to quickly run out.