Beyond the Playbook: Denfeld boys hockey swaps goals for gifts helping local families

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With Christmas less than a week away the holiday spirit is in the air, and with that feeling comes gift giving. It is great to see especially from local sports teams who are using their own time and effort to gift presents to people they have never even met before.

"We do this every year, obviously just helping the community and doing what we can to support the less fortunate. I think its a good cause for us, to bring us together, and getting some stuff done as a team," Simon Davidson said, a senior for the Duluth Denfeld boys hockey team.

The team was shopping for two local families on Sunday. All the money used for the toys were funds they raised themselves.

"It feels good, there are a lot of guys watching and supporting our team. It just feels good to give back and be a part of our community ourselves," senior Hunter defenseman Nate Larson said.

One of the biggest pluses for the team during this over four year tradition, is learning what the little kids wanted for Christmas and being able to find exactly that.

"Me and Conner got fuzzy socks and a blanket, we got a girl that likes Mind Craft too so that’s fun," senior forward Cooper McClure said.

"The West side does a lot for us and it’s our family down there, so giving back to them is always good and seeing the look on the kids faces when we give them the gifts is just priceless," Davidson added.

The Denfeld boys hockey team is off this week, but will return to practice Dec. 27th.