Best time to exercise? Experts say anytime

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It is not always easy figuring out when the best time to work out is.

"It is kind of a personal preference it is not one size fits all type of thing,” said Will Halloran, personal trainer at Anytime Fitness. “It comes down to when you want to work out and when you can fit it into your busy schedule."

Some gym members weighed in on what works best for them and why.

Dalicia Bailey said, “Always early morning, itis not busy. I have children, so once they get to school, I come in here and, I can spend as long as I want and I have time to pick from school and, that works best for me.”

"I much prefer working out in the morning. One, I am energized after breakfast, it is before I go into the office. Number two, if I do it in the morning, I won’t talk myself out of it by the afternoon. When I get tired," says Kendall Linn.

For others, working out in the morning is just “a good way to start the day. You are feeling good about yourself, you got a good workout in..boom, your go and conquer the day,” Alec Juliette shared.

The gym is only one aspect of the fitness journey, though. Another key part is nutrition.

"Gym is only a small part of it. You are post-gym and what you do outside the gym is the most important and, that would be in the kitchen.”

No matter whether you are just starting your fitness journey or you’ve been on this path for a while, remember..consistency and accountability.

"The main thing is just showing up, finding something you are comfortable with to start with!"

All it takes is one step at a time towards any fitness goals and journey.