Attorney in Itasca County faces additional charges

An attorney in Itasca County is now facing four more charges related to alleged criminal sexual conduct or disorderly conduct.

The criminal complaint naming Jesse Robert Powell, 32, as a defendant has been amended to include nine charges in total.

According to the complaint, more women came forward after Powell’s original charges made the news in December.

The two allege that Powell sexually assaulted them multiple times. The complaint said he had been helping or was hired by the women for legal issues.

Another charge added is related to a woman in the first complaint, about his alleged contact with her.

In a statement, the women said, "We each kept what our attorney Jesse Powel did to us buried. But, because of the courage of the other victims speaking up, we each came to know that we needed to come forward. We both thought we were the only one he did this to. If others have been victimized by him, we encourage you to come forward. We know it is hard to talk about it but what we know now is that it is harder to keep it buried. If you decide to come forward, you will not be alone. You would have our support.”

Here are the numbers if you have any information:

Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office: 218-927-7435 – Investigator Steve Cook
Lawyer’s Professional Responsibility Board – 612-296-3952

WDIO has not been able to reach Powell for comment.