Assessing the damages after Big Sturgeon Lake storm

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Monday’s storm caused quite the damage up by Sturgeon Lake. Residents saying it could take days to remove many of the trees that fell over.

Homeowner Lory Fedo says, "It took five minutes for this to all happen and it will probably take at least a year to clean it up.”

For her and her husband John the 60 foot trees caused major damage to their home. With trees falling on their house and even puncturing through their walls.

Lory says, "These red pines, they have real pokey big strong limbs that come right through your house, we’ve had it happen at a pull building before.”

The couple says they are blessed to still be alive after their biggest tree missed their house by mere inches.

"Just missed our house if it would’ve hit our house we wouldn’t be here today”, says Lory.

And with only a few hours of sleep the couple got to work on cleaning up.

She says, "I think we were in shock for a couple hours, we had coffee, we called friends and relatives, tried to find people to come help [clean]. And then we just started to pick up because we knew we wouldn’t have anyone here till this afternoon."

Because of the rural area, cleanup services are hard to come by when it comes to the amount of damage they received. Not to mention a tree knocked down one of their transformers.

But they are staying optimistic and appreciating the little things.