All Minnesota residents will soon be eligible for a Covid-19 booster

Late Tuesday afternoon, it was announced that all Minnesota residents will be able to get the covid-19 booster shot. Individuals will no-longer have to go through an eligible process to get the shot. In a recent Duluth News Tribune article “all adults in the state who have completed their vaccine series more than six months ago should be able to get booster vaccine shots by the end of the week”, said Commissioner Jan Malcolm.

The state of Minnesota decided to move forward with allowing everyone to get the booster shot due to dealing with one of the country’s worst surge in cases of the coronavirus.

Recently, only people 65 and older, 18 to 65 years old who had underlying medical condition and people who that worked in high-risk and in long-term care settings could get the booster shot. Some of those underlying conditions included: cancer, chronic kidney, liver and lung diseases, dementia, diabetes, any heart conditions, weakened immune system, etc.

A nurse wants to encourage everyone to get the booster shots especially during this holiday season. “With the holidays coming up, it does take two weeks in order for your body to launch that full immune response. So we want to have people fully vaccinated before the holidays and so they should start that process now", said Rillis Eklund a public health with St. Louis County.

Starting on Wednesday, November 17th through Saturday afternoon, November 20th, St. Louis County will be offering vaccine and booster opportunities. to register for the covid clinics, visit the website at