Pikkujoulu: A Finnish little Christmas party

During the weeks prior to Christmas, Finland seems overrun by party fever. This phenomenon is called the Pikkujoulu (pre-Christmas party) season. And that same energy was brought to Duluth today. The Minnesota Finnish American Historical Society Lakehead Chapter had its 41st Annual Pikkujoulu today.

“This is the 41st annual one. People all over come and it’s always the first Sunday in December. It’s something that everybody looks forward to coming too, to get into Christmas colors and be able to be around people that are Finnish or want to be Finnish,” says Jeanne Santa Doty, the lead for music at the event.

The Finnish American Historical Society organization is over 80 years old. There are board members that represent the Duluth area in addition to many more members. The organization is always looking for more members to celebrate the Finnish culture, and the Finnish language.

“I love being Finnish. Finnish was my first language and I also am a dual citizen. And so I very much enjoy that. My mother was born in Finland. She’s 94. And it’s so much pleasure in going back to family, just visiting with my aunts and my cousins and just it’s incredible that that country keeps changing,” says Arlene Putikka Tucker, the MC of the event.