Message at the Better In Our Backyard dinner is that there is a perception problem about mining

Better In Our Backyard Annual Dinner draws another big crowd

500 people attended the 5th annual Better In Our Backyard Winter Dinner, and heard messaging about mining.

A big turnout for the 5th annual Better In Our Backyard Winter Dinner on Thursday night. 500 people attended the sold out event at Clyde Iron Works.

The organization advocates for responsible industry, and has grown to over 100 member companies, including ones from states like Arizona and Idaho.

Mayor Roger Reinert welcomed the crowd. Then Congressman Pete Stauber shared a little about the priorities in D.C., which include permitting reform.

Keynote speaker Keaton Turner from Turner Mining Group shared that there is a perception problem for the mining industry.

“The perception of mining in America, for the majority, is that it’s dark, scary, and dangerous, with no work/life balance and low pay. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are more opportunities in the mining industry right now, because there will be 220,000 people retiring in the next 5-6 years,” he said.

Problems facing the industry include workforce, permitting reform, and funding. But Turner believes if the perception is changed, with new blood and new investment, then the other problems will become less so.

Better In Our Backyard has other events planned for the year, including a new one at the Radisson Blu in October.