When life feels like it’s ‘too much’

Overcoming the weight loss overwhelm

Stress can be a big factor in people's lives that can impact their health, here's a couple tips to overcome it.

Life can be stressful. Even with our best intentions, sometimes our health can end up on the backburner.

Jaime Jensen from Progress Over Perfect Coaching says she’s been hearing from more and more people in her work: People are just overwhelmed with life, including relationships, family issues, health concerns, work or school.

If you find yourself feeling this way, Jaime’s first suggestion is to breathe. Specifically, to take deep breaths with your hand on your heart. Find an affirmation to repeat to yourself. It could be: “I’m safe” or “I’ve done everything I can.”

Once you’re grounded, figure out how break things down. Certainly, some items on your to-do list can wait, right? The truth is also we can only control so much. Figure out what’s real and what’s story.

If the world is just too much for you, Jaime suggests protecting your peace. This might look like turning off social media and focusing on what makes you happy. And there is help out there, learn on a friend or coach. You can also consider talking to a mental professional.