DIY gingerbread garland with the Altered Abode

DIY gingerbread garland with the Altered Abode

Using old cardboard boxes, you can create a fun DIY 'Gingerbread Garland."

The Altered Abode has a perfect DIY project for all the extra cardboard boxes laying around the house over the holidays.

Aubrey DeBettignies demonstrated the simple steps:

  1. Break down cardboard boxes into manageable pieces.
  2. Trace outline of gingerbread houses onto cardboard.
  3. Cut out house shapes. Kitchen scissors work best.
  4. Using a paint pen, outline the house and decorate with doors, windows, decorations, and more.
  5. Cut a piece of string and lay houses out.
  6. Squeeze a dab of glue from a hot glue gun on the back, and press the string into it.
  7. Let glue dry.
  8. Hang the garland.

DeBettignies likes to string the gingerbread garlands on a tree, across a mantel, or over a kitchen sink.

Find more from The Altered Abode here.