Tig’s Smok’n Pig BBQ hosting fourth annual fundraiser, proceeds will support teen battling cancer

(Donahue family)
The 4th annual Greg Freese Memorial Cancer fundraiser is coming up on Saturday. Troy ‘Tig’ Fralich who runs Tig’s Smok’n Pig BBQ told us it’s about honoring his brother-in-law, Greg, and helping connect families going through the same thing.
This year, it will benefit Team Donahue.
Regun Donahue is 15-years-old, and is battling aggressive bone cancer. He already had a portion of one leg amputated.
The fundraiser is Saturday from 12pm-3pm at the Harley Davidson store in Hermantown. Enjoy a meal and get free tickets for prize drawings.
All proceeds and donations go to Team Donahue.
Fralich said it continues to grow, and he’s so happy to see the community come together.
Here’s Tig’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tigssmoknpigbbq
For more info about Regun: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-reguns-journey-to-recovery?attribution_id=sl:ac751847-d0b2-4b07-8360-d30af83d17b6&lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link