Recent snowfall is a good reminder about alternate side parking in Duluth

Duluth has alternate side parking year round. But in the winter, after a snowfall, it can make even more of an impact if you don’t follow it.

Mayor Roger Reinert acknowledges that we’ve had a drier winter, and last year we had very little snow. So this weekend’s snow is a good reminder about why you need to move your car. Normal alternate side parking changeover is Sunday, 4 to 8 p.m.

“Our plow drivers are planning their routes, assuming you did the right thing and moved. So they will plow, kind of do the main routes during that turnover. And then again, assume everybody moved to the correct side of the street and then plan to plow that other side of the street. And then here’s a car, here’s a couple of cars and they can’t, you know, get, maybe get to an entire block because of that,” he said.